About us

HSA Contracting

Since 2016, HSA CONTRACTING has brought employees and job seekers together wilh result, that speak for Lhemselves I Our company has started its business with 20 employees andnow 1t has more than 50 sktlled workers Our experience proven delivery and attention to detail enable us to identify top man-power company across a broad range of professional levels Industries and companies throughout the kingdom.

We have been making mutually beneficial matches between job seekers and our corporate clients and go to great length to ensure that. each satisfies the need and expectation of the other So we thoroughly understand the need of our client, then using proper recruitment techniques to pinpoint the most suitable Job for candidate.

HSA CONTRACTING is managed by highly skilled professionals 1n the same field with remarkable experience. Our team of professionals are dedicated to provide our client with value added service further associating our company·s identity with excellence

Company Values

Vision Mission

Vision Mission

Our Vision is to kindly light into world of invention and delivery of efficient work-force solution and service which enable our client to win 111 the world of innovation

To be oneof the topmostamong trust­ ed and reliable names in our fields and an active player ,n the overseas pacement of KSA and thus remain as an actual Icon of a customer oriented Institution.

What We Offer

Best Services



We provide highly professional and skilled labours to support the best top. middle and lower level workforce on short. medium and long term basis. We are the reputed agency to privide manpower in our sponsorship to reduce the worries of our customers about compensation, insurance.

Labour law and accommodat1on of their employees We have gained the reputation of being a refiable. fair-minded.straightforward ancl legal manpower supplier. We provide exclsive and qualified workforce for all sectors likeoil &gas, mechan­ ical constuct1on. civil construction, electncal, marine & ship, general trading and banking.


HSA equipment division excels at specialist services essential to the efficient operation of heavy process oriented industrial HSA equjip­ ment division represents some of the world class. leading equiment manufactures like Hitachi.Grove. Caterpillar JCS etc. are in partnership with these principals.

HSA CONTRACTING's equipment division provides the following machineries and equipments for a rental basis.
1 Heavy fifing equipments, mobile cranes and rough !erra1n cranes.
2 Corth moving equpmenrs. excovoror. wneelloader. grader androller compactor
3. Light equtpmems, power generators, welding machines, fork11ft etc


Be it for maintenance. turn-arounds. outages and capital projects. HSA CONTRACTING hasthe largest pool of skilled scaffold builders and project managers as well as rentable industrial scaffolding assets. All ready to be deployed as per clients' request and require­ment.


We are providing all kinds of transportation services within the projects.


HSA CONTRACTING has developed into the leading suppliers of industrial materials in the eastern province of the kingdom We deal in a wide variety of materials from reliable manufacturers all over the kingdom. We mainly supply mechanical. electrical. safety. buiding materials and instrument panels We are a customer orient­ ed company. and thus we geared to prov1d1ng you with certain advantages Due to our large stock. we can provide you an 1mmed1ate delivery, HSA CONTRACTING IS managed by highly skilled professionals in the same field with remarkable experience Our team of professionals 1s dedicated 1n providing our client with value added services. further associating our company's identity with excellence.


HSA CONTRACTING has a well expe1ienced.professional team to handle the welding and fabrication works. So. We are confident that. we can perform beyond the expectation of our clients in this sector as well


We underatake all kind of fire and safety jobs.
Active and passive protection.design.parts,initiating devices notifi­ cation, appliances. emergency.
Fire blanket. fire bucket & extinguisher
Flame detector . heat detector & smoke detector
Condensed aerosol fire suppression fire spnkler systems & gase­ ous fire suppression.
Drill, fire alarm systems (Call box control panel, fot1ficat1on appli­ ance, pull station/call point)


HSA CONTRACTING provides mechanical, instrumentation, electrical, telecommunication, security and fire protection engineering servic­ es. as well as construction and commissioning services for our d1ents Our staff of highly trained and experienced personnel delivers innovative solutions for all projects